Pavloven - a great Christian holiday from the summer cycle, which is an unchanging holiday and is always falling on June 29, or on July 14, according to the old calendar. This day is the Gathering of the 12 Apostles, that is the second day after the completion of the Peter's Day - Petrovden.
Apostle Pavle (Paul), is one of the most important saints in the preaching and spreading of Christianity, known as the Apostle of Christ, the only information about the life of St. Paul is the texts of the New Testament. He was born in Tarsus in Cilicia (modern-day Turkey) in a Jewish family. His name in Hebrew is Saul (Saul, Saul). At the same time, he acquired Roman citizenship. He grew up in Jerusalem. From Rabbi Gamaliel was taught the Pharisee, a student interested in the Talmud, and became one of the main members of the anti-Christian Jewish council, whose activities include the persecution of Christians and the murder of St. Stephen, which Paul himself approved. Christian texts have great significance in the passage of the Apostle Paul into the Christian faith. The Bible tells us that on his way to Damascus he saw an unusual light from which he blinded and heard the voice of the Lord from heaven, who said: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? I am Jesus, who is haunting you. " That event was a turning point in his life, crossing into Damascus and becoming one of the greatest preachers of Christianity. Upon returning to Jerusalem, in the beginning his like-minded men doubted him, disbelieving him. On his first missionary journey, he was sent by Barnabas, who had previously entered the community of the Jerusalem Church. He preached in Antioch, Cilicia, Cyprus, Ephesus, Athens, Macedonia, Corinth and Spain. In the year 67, St. Paul was sentenced to death and executed in Rome. From here it is considered that St. Paul was a Roman statesman because only Roman citizens were executed in such a way. According to Christian mythology, great miracles came about with death. The crushed head of the Apostle continued to glorify the name of the Lord, and at the place where it fell, three sources were opened, that is, at the site of today's monastery "Three Fountains" near Rome. In his epistles, which are an integral part of the New Testament, St. Paul answers the problems of Christians, the problems of church | church with other religions, the meeting with Jesus Christ, then with the Apostle Peter and the other apostles in Jerusalem, for his torture, and persecution. The Holy Apostle Paul is especially important for the Macedonians. He made his first trip outside of Asia to Macedonia. It started at 51, and ended in 54 years.

This day is called the Gathering of the 12th Apostles, and it is the main common holiday of all 12 apostles, just as there are days of catechism for St. John the Baptist, Archangel Michael, etc. The Apostles are glorified as the foundations of the church, since they are the first people to fully receive the good news of the only possible Savior of men and of the world, and because they spread the same message across the globe. In the Roman Catholic Church Pavloven is celebrated on June 29, together with Peter the Great. In Orthodoxy, his work is respected on the same date, June 29 according to the Julian calendar, or July 13 according to the Gregorian calendar.

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