I like to use spinach or silverbeet wherever I can use them. I even use them where I shouldn't lol :) I add a green note to the meals, that's not a crime. You don't need to use it only in pies or as stew.
So, this recipe is my creation and it was delicious. Light, healthy, beautiful.


  • 300 g spinach or silverbeet (about, I didn't mesure)
  • 1 head chopped onion
  • 150 g cheese or ricotta cheese
  • 4 medium eggs
  • 1-2 tbs corn flour
  • 3 tbs sour cream or sour milk
  • salt
  • oil for frying
  • grated cheese and prosciutto (optional)

  1. Wash and shortly boil spinach to soften. Then put it in a blender and add the onion, ricotta, eggs, sour cream, flour and salt. Shortly mix just to unite the mixture.
  2. Pour the mixture in and oiled pan. You can either bake it or fry it. I fried it in a pan with a lid cause I was very hungry and didn't want to lose time in baking.
  3. After frying for approximately 10 minutes without stirring, I added grated cheese on top and 5 pieces of prosciutto. I covered the lid and left it for several more minutes to melt the cheese.
  4. If you bake it instead of frying, you'll need around half an hour.

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