Goce (Georgi) Delchev was born in a relatively well-established family Delchev from the village Kukush. He was born on February 4th, 1872 as the first male child, the third child in the family Delchev, who had nine children in total. Goce was surrounded by three brothers (Mico, Milan and Hristo) and five sisters (Ruzha, Kotza, Tina, Lika and Elena).

His father Nikola Delchev was from Kukush, and his mother Sultana Nurdjieva came from the nearby village of Murarci.

In his native Kukush, Goce Delchev spent half of his short life. It is the first, almost idyllic phase that encompasses his childhood. The first stage of his schooling is related to the hometown of Kukush. Here Goce received his elementary education, and then continued his education in Solun(Thessaloniki). At the Solun high school, the first public revolutionary appearance of Delchev will take place at the celebration dedicated to the birthday of the sultan Abdul Hamid II. While the crowd present acclamation "Chok Jasha!" (Long live), the 17 year old Goce Delchev exclaimed loudly: Asha! "(Dolu), which strongly raised his reputation in the Solun environment.

Later, as a cadet at a military school in Sofia, he secretly visited the socialist circles and spread socialist literature, for which he was excluded from the school.

In 1894, Goce was appointed teacher in Stip, where he met Dame Gruev, one of the founders of TMORO (Tajna Makedonsko Odrinska Revolucionerna Organizacija).

From 1896 he joined the ranks of the Organization and until his death he was in the Central Committee of TMORO.

During frequent tours throughout Macedonia, he worked on creating an organization network with healthy and solid bases, committees and committees of the Organization.

He expresses all his love and concern to Macedonia in his letter to Dame Gruev in 1894: "Can there be another place for a Macedonian other than Macedonia? Are there people who are more unhappy than the Macedonians? And is there somewhere a wider field for work than in Macedonia? ".

At the Solun Congress of VMRO from 1896, together with Gorce Petrov were assigned the task of drafting the Draft Constitution and the Rulebook of the Organization. Since then, until 1901, he was a borderline representative of the VMRO in Sofia, where he led a long and difficult battle with the supremacists.

Goce Delchev advocated for independent development of the Movement and organization of the Macedonian masses, regardless of their faith and national affiliation. The liberation of Macedonia was seen as its inner work. "We don't mean to do politics or let others do politics with Macedonia. Our struggle for us is life or death. We will not allow others to decide whether to live or to die. The people will choose when the uprising will be settled, "he said. "We can not hope for foreign help, not to wait for help from Bulgaria, nor from any other force, but we need to prepare ourselves from within - to penetrate that idea in the soul of every peasant ."

So he was seriously upset when he heard about the Central Committee's decision to raise a premature uprising.
While acting for the autonomy and independence of the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, the external and infiltrated internal tools with Ivan Garvanov, under instructions from the Government and the Prince of Bulgaria, prepared to raise a premature uprising in Macedonia. Delchev rejected the decision of the Solun Congress (15-17. I 1903) to raise an uprising and with a company left in the interior of Macedonia, with the leading cadres to make a withdrawal of the decision. On April 19-20, the same year Goce Delchev arrives in Solunki, where he had several meetings with Dame Gruev, who has just returned from imprisonment. He is considering the issue of raising the uprising with him, but he does't manage to reassure him. He went to Solun's Congress of the Revolutionary District of Ser, scheduled for May 6th. Arrived at village Banica, Cer on May 3rd. He was followed all the way from Sofia to Solun and then betrayed. In the dawn of May 4th, 1903, Goce Delcev and his entourage were informed by the crowd that they were besieged by the Turkish army (Asker). Goce orders to get out of the house where they were housed and to retreat to save the village from destroying. That bitter morning for the Macedonian people, in the fight with the Turkish army, Goce Delcev was killed

Goce's self-sacrifice for liberation of the people in Macedonia and Odrin region and the creation of an independent or autonomous Macedonian state, brought him recognition and respect. His name became a legend, woven into the consciousness of the Macedonian masses. His name excited the Macedonian generations, with that name the Macedonian progressive forces led the struggle of the Macedonian people for national and social liberation in a completely new socio-political situation.

His remains were first kept in Banica until 1917, when they were transferred to Xanthi and then to Sofia. Until 1923, the bone chest was kept in the house of Mikhail Chakovwhere it was written: "We are cursing the following generations that the sacred bones will be buried in the capital of an independent Macedonia. August 1923, Ilinden ". The covenant was fulfilled and on October 11th, 1946, they were transferred to Skopje, in the church of St. Spas.

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