There is no Macedonian who hasn't listened to this song hundreds or thousands of times during lifetime. "Zajdi, zajdi, jasno sonce" ("Set, Set, O Clear Sun"; Macedonian: Зајди, зајди, јасно сонце) is a contemporary Macedonian folk song written and composed by the famous singer and songwriter Aleksandar Sarievski (1922-2002) in the style of newly composed folk. Different versions of the song are sung in other neighbouring Balkan countries.

Sunset on Ohrid Lake

Though Sarievski  is the composer of the melody, he adapted the text from another song, saying that the text for the song "Zajdi, zajdi, jasno sonce" was born from the folk song "Černej, goro, černej, sestro". When listening to that song and occasionally singing it, he came up with the idea to compose something similar, but with a completely different melody.  Somehow spontaneously, the masterpiece was born. The song was widely accepted by people and still sung even today. It became a trademark of Macedonian folk music.

Also, the song's lyrics have similarity to another Macedonian folk song (Žali, goro, crni, sestro). 

The lyrics of the song are referring to the youth and the lost's an emotional song that certainly gives you chills and goosebumps and bring strong emotions, even tears.

"Zajdi zajdi" is a song that will never be repeated. It is a song by which the world recognizes us as pure in soul, suffering and sensitive people, people who know how to say a lot through music, to give a lot and to show unseen emotions…

Singing the song is not easy, it requires a great voice, but also a soul so to fully bring the beauty of the song. In addition, I will share several videos with my favorite performances of the song.

Aleksandar Sarievski

Tose Proeski

Esma Redzepova & Zoran Dzorlev

Lyrics of the song

Zajdi, zajdi jasno sonce

Zajdi, pomraći se

I ti jasna le mesečino

Begaj, udavi se

Crnej goro, crnej sestro

Dvajca da crnejme

Ti za tvojte lisja, le goro

Jas za mojta mladost

Ti za tvojte lisja, le goro

Jas za mojta mladost

Tvojte lisja, goro sestro

Paк ke ti se vratat

Mojta mladost, goro le sestro

Nema da se vrati

Mojta mladost, goro le sestro

Nema da se vrati

English translation

Set, set, Bright Sun,

Set, darken yourself,

You too, bright Moon,

Go away, drown your self


Mourn forest, mourn sister

both of us to mourn

You for your leaves, oh forest,

Me, for my youth


Your leaves, forest, sister

Again will come back to you

My youth, forest, oh sister

Will not come back

Vocals from the song were used in the track Innocence Lost from Phuture primitive's Searching for Beauty in the Darkest Places Pt 2 studio album.

The woodwind melody is used in the track "Message for the Queen" from the 300 Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.

A version of the song was featured in the soundtrack for Battlefield 1.

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