One of my many recipes of desserts with syrup. Sweets poured with syrup are No.1 thing for me, I love everything that contains sherbet and melts in my mouth. Interesting thing is that the word "sherbet" only in the Turkish world means sweet syrup, in English, it represents a frozen dessert or sorbet. Also, we in Macedonia, under the word "sherbet", we understand "sweet syrup", that's why I use it very often instead of "syrup".
This cake is very tasty and easy to prepare. Mix, bake and pour. And eat.

  •     4-5 eggs
  •     1 cup of sugar
  •     1 cup oil
  •     1 cup of semolina
  •     1 cup flour
  •     1 packet baking powder (10 g)
  •     1 cup raisins
  •     1 cup crushed walnuts
  •     1 tablespoon cinnamon
  •     750 g of sugar
  •     500 ml of water
  1. Beat eggs with sugar and add other ingredients. Mix well and pour the mixture in rectangular pan size 32.
  2. Bake about half an hour at 180 C degrees.
  3. Prepare the syrup by boiling water and sugar for 10 minutes or more. You can make less sherbet than the given quantity.
  4. When cake is baked, cut into pieces, and pour with the cooled syrup.
  5. Leave to soak and to cool well, then decorate as desired. 

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