Today, 24th of May, we celebrate the day of the holy brothers Kiril and Metodij (Cyril and Methodius). It's a public holiday and a non working day in Macedonia. In the honor of the brothers who are considered as the founders of the first Slav alphabet (GLAGOLITZA), are held concerts and other solemn events dedicated to the great deeds of Cyril and Methodius. Today is a name day of Kiril, Kire, Mende etc.
A little history from the 7th century
With the arrival of the Slavs in Macedonia, they brought their pagan beliefs and their language. For written expression, they used lines and dashes. However, when they came to Macedonia and the southern Balkans, they encountered advanced culture and developed literacy. The Slavs from the native population received the script that was in use in those areas and used it in written expression. But with the existing letters of the Greek uncial script or with the Roman Latin script, they could not write all the characteristic Slavic sounds they uttered. Because of that, there was a need to create new characters - letters, with which to write Slavic words. The creation of an alphabet for the Slavs was a diplomatic step of Byzantium, and with the alphabet the Byzantine benefit was twofold. First - Christianity spread more easily among the Slavs, and secondly, Byzantium, winning over the Balkan Slavs to its side, secured a better position against the Bulgarian state, which was attacking the territory of Byzantium in the Balkans.
The task of creating a Slavic script was given to Cyril (Konstantin the Philosopher) by the Byzantine court, who had full support and help from his brother Methodius.
The great Macedonian and all-Slavic educators, the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, are the founders of Slavic literacy and literature and are responsible for the cultural development of all Slavic peoples. Because of their merits for Christianity, the Holy Church declared them equal to the apostles.
Day of the day of the holy brothers from Solun St.Cyril and Methodius is a public holiday in Macedonia which is celebrated on May 24 in honor of the founders of the first Slavic alphabet.In the 11th century, the Church has declared May 24 (May 11 Old Style) for Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. This day was first celebrated in Macedonia on May 11, 1860 at the church of St Mary in Skopje. Traditionally at this holiday are given awards, held concerts and cultural events
in Macedonia.
Macedonian brothers St. Cyril and Methodius were born in Solun in the IX century, they became missionaries of Christianity among the Slavs of Greater Moravia and Pannonia. Through their work they influenced the cultural development of all Slavs, because of they received the title - Apostles of the Slavs. They are credited with inventing the Glagolitza, the first alphabet used to prescribe Old Church Slavonic.
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Glagolitza - the first Slav alphabet |
After their death, their students are continuing their work and activities among the Slavs. The two brothers are respected in the Eastern Orthodox Church as saints with the title Equal to the Apostles. In 1880, Pope Leo XIII introduced their glory in the calendar of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1980, John Paul II declared them co-patrons of Europe, together with Benedict Nursijski.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius were born brothers from Solun, from a respectable and rich Byzantine family, father and mother Mary and Leo. Elder brother Methodius spent ten years between Macedonian Slavs as officer. Then he withdrew to Mount Olympus and the surrender to monastic asceticism. Here later joined Cyril (Constantine the Philosopher). Cyril and Methodius, known as Solun brothers educators have a major role in the Slavic history. Their work literated Slavic people.
Shortly about Cyril and Methodus
As high educationed and talented people, Cyril and Methodius will be awarded very difficult and responsible task by the Byzantine court. First they were sent in mission to the Saracens (Arabs) in Baghdad, where the main goal is to Christianize Saracens, Khazars, Moravian Slavs, Bulgarians, Russians and other people of the east and north of Byzantium and to impose Byzantine ecclesiastical authority. When Khazar king Kagan asked Emperor Michael preachers of faith in Jesus Christ, then the king ordered the two brothers to be sent among the Khazars. Once assured Kagan in the faith in Christ, they baptized the king and many of his chief assistants and a large number of people. After some time they returned to Constantinople, where they compiled the Slavic alphabet of thirty-eight letters and began to translate church books from Greek into Slavic.
The king Rostislav sent them to Moravia and there they proliferated and established the Orthodox faith and gave books to the priests to teach the youth. Later, on a call from the pope, they left for Rome, where Cyril fell ill and died on 14 February 869. Then Methodius returned to Moravia and endeavor of establishing the Christian faith among the Slavs till death. After his death - April 6th, 885 years - his students Petochislenici, headed by St. Clement as bishop, crossed the Danube and landed in southern Macedonia, where from Ohrid continued to work among the Slavs the same work that Cyril and Methodius started in the north.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius were born brothers from Solun, from a respectable and rich Byzantine family, father and mother Mary and Leo. Elder brother Methodius spent ten years between Macedonian Slavs as officer. Then he withdrew to Mount Olympus and the surrender to monastic asceticism. Here later joined Cyril (Constantine the Philosopher). Cyril and Methodius, known as Solun brothers educators have a major role in the Slavic history. Their work literated Slavic people.
Shortly about Cyril and Methodus
Methodius was born in 826. He was educated in special schools for the acquisition of military skills and for the performance of high state functions. Due to the acquired knowledge and abilities that he possessed, Methodius at the age of 20 received the rank of Duke from the Byzantine court. As a duke in 845, he was sent to be the administrator of the Slavic principality in Macedonia, which spread in the Strumica - Bregalnica region. Methodius' task was to ensure the support of the local population in the fight against the Bulgarian attacks on that territory.
Constantine, known under the monastic name Cyril, was born in 827. He was educated in the Solun (Thessaloniki) schools where only the children of wealthier families went. As the best student, he studied early at the University of Constantinople (the Magnaur School). There he studied several sciences and several languages. After completing his studies, Konstantin became a professor of philosophy at the university where he had previously studied. As hardworking and educated, he gained great trust at the Byzantine court.
Missions of the brothers
The king Rostislav sent them to Moravia and there they proliferated and established the Orthodox faith and gave books to the priests to teach the youth. Later, on a call from the pope, they left for Rome, where Cyril fell ill and died on 14 February 869. Then Methodius returned to Moravia and endeavor of establishing the Christian faith among the Slavs till death. After his death - April 6th, 885 years - his students Petochislenici, headed by St. Clement as bishop, crossed the Danube and landed in southern Macedonia, where from Ohrid continued to work among the Slavs the same work that Cyril and Methodius started in the north.
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The church St.Klement in Rome where the tomb of St.Syril is located |
The missionary activity of the holy brothers between Macedonian Slavs, especially the application of the Macedonian alphabet, was recorded in the Life of St. Naum. This preceded the translation of the Holy Scriptures in the language of the Macedonians in Thessaloniki and missionary work among the Western Slavs in Moravia.
The work of the holy brothers after the death of St. Methodius fell into a major crisis, but thanks to their most gifted students - St. Clement and St. Naum of Ohrid, saints and miracle workers, teachers and educators, continued to announce the divine truths to new nations, beginning from their cultural identity, alive model for the Holy Church and for the missionaries of all time.
Saints Cyril and Methodius succeeded in becoming apostles of the Slavs. They wanted to serve for the benefit of all the Slav people and for the unity of the Universal Church. For these and such their merits, Pope John Paul II on December 31, 1980 declared them for co-patrons of Europe, whose patron is St. Benedict, proclaimed by Pope Paul IV on 26 October 1964.
The work of the holy brothers after the death of St. Methodius fell into a major crisis, but thanks to their most gifted students - St. Clement and St. Naum of Ohrid, saints and miracle workers, teachers and educators, continued to announce the divine truths to new nations, beginning from their cultural identity, alive model for the Holy Church and for the missionaries of all time.
Saints Cyril and Methodius succeeded in becoming apostles of the Slavs. They wanted to serve for the benefit of all the Slav people and for the unity of the Universal Church. For these and such their merits, Pope John Paul II on December 31, 1980 declared them for co-patrons of Europe, whose patron is St. Benedict, proclaimed by Pope Paul IV on 26 October 1964.
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