We all fell in love with these crackers at home, in 2 weeks I made them 4 times and all 4 times I used different flours. The first time I made them only with whole wheat flour. The second time with white and whole wheat flour. The third time I mixed half rye, barley and oatmeal flour and half white flour (they were my best) and the fourth time they were a mixture of white and barley flour. The last 2 times I put white cheese too. Here are gave you some examples to let you know that you are free to experiment. Wherever the recipe allows improvisation - improvise. I will share the original recipe here. Depending on the flours you use, you will also need to adjust the firmness of the dough, if it is too hard, add a little more beer, the whole grain flour will usually absorb more liquid. After the first time, you will develop a sense on the dough, I didn't even use a recipe after the first time and I made them by feeling, and so I will continue improvising in the future.


  • 500 g flour (17,6 oz)
  • 250 ml of beer (1 cup)
  • 250 ml of oil (1 cup)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 200 g roasted sesame (7 oz)
  • 200 g roasted sunflower seeds (7 oz)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • if desired 150 g (5 oz) of crushed white cheese


  1. First, shortly roast sesame seeds in a pan, no need to oil the pan. Then repeat the same with the sunflower seeds. The roasting gives them a special awesome taste.
  2. Shortly knead the dough from all the ingredients, just enough to combine the ingredients. 
  3. Form a ball and spread a crust 5-6 mm thick with a rolling pin. 

  4. Cut figures with a cup or mold of your choice. 

  5. Arrange them next to each other on a baking tray lined with baking paper, there is no need to leave space. 

  6. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 C degrees (392 F) or until they start to get color.

  7. I love them more baked and crunchy so I leave them to bake for a longer time. They are most delicious when cooled and in combination with plain yogurt or kefir mmmmm. 
  8. Keep at room temperature in a tin box.

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